About us

The best qualities

In METÁLICAS IDELLA, S.L. we offer you the best qualities in our trimmings and ornaments for footwear and leather goods to use in your creations.

In our long history of supplying components for footwear, garments, leather goods and jewelry we have evolved, as a designing company, following and setting fashion trends and new technologies. Comprised of a team of dynamic young people, our motto is “SERVICE AND QUALITY.”

Warehouse and design

We have a manufacturing center where we produce our own designs and custom-made suggestions from our customers. Making it ourselves, we gain in speed and cost in the production of designs.

With a tailoremade warehouse management program, we are able to control at all times the status of orders from our customers.

Isometría procesos de diseño de fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería

We have our own factory, so we ensure quality of service and speed in the finishing processes.

Our team of rubber injection molding allows us to have a high versatility and speed in modeling of our collections.

Isometría procesos de fabricación de fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería


We have the machinery to manufacture the steel injection molds needed, which allows us to better service large orders that require this manufacturing system.

We have two automatic injection machines as well as manual machines, able to inject more than 150,000 pieces a day; this enables us to ensure fast service and excellent quality.

Isometría procesos de fabricación de fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería

As a final step on the manufacturing process, we run the pieces through vibrators to polish the parts where they are kept more than eight hours in a highly abrasive type of stone. With that high quality polish process, they are ready for the final color finish.

Isometría procesos de fabricación de fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería

Finishing and electroplating

We have our own galvanic plant where we give the color finish to the articles. To ensure the standard of service and quality, in the galvanic plant, we offer all types of finishes, including eco-allergenic finish.

We also have finishing by drums, which is a more industrial process, where the final price is more affordable keeping an optimal finish.

More exclusive finishing is done by manual labor, where for a little more in price, we ensure a bright and exceptional final quality.

Acabados efectos metálicos en fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería

We identify ourselves with the environmental sensitivity installing our wastewater treatment plant of present time standards, so we make sure we respect the environment in the entire manufacturing process.


Imagen agua depurada cuidando el medioambiente cuando se fabrican fornituras y adornos para calzado y marroquinería
Following trends

METALICAS IDELLA SL, following the lattest trends in fashion and technologies, have the best to offer for your footwear, clothing, leather products or costume jewelry, trimmings or decorations, the highest quality components on the market, guaranteed by its manufacturing processes.

Imagen pieza con turquesa